COMPANY WARNING: Please do not look at or engage with any production of Edifice creative art division without strict surveillance from asset of P-value 5+
Our clerical teams not only observe the minutiae of our paperwork, but they holds regular ceremonies for those newer employee’s who still believe in the existence of a benign god. As a company, we’ve found employee retention rate is improved by 30% when utilising our clerical teams as a buffer between previously held notions, and the harsh reality of the abstract world.
Leading the way in abstract-transactions, our prolific SALES department have mastered all aspects of telecommunication and post-mortem sales! Bringing back budgets and keeping The Edifice lights on!
COMPANY NOTE: Edifice lights are kept on via [REDACTED] and sales teams have no actual bearing on luminosity.
FOR YOUR SAFETY. Our surveillance operatives work constantly to maintain strict operational parameters for all our assets. Pictured: One of our 24/7 surveillance staff makes a rare appearance on the other side of the camera.
Our first line of defence against any minimal paranormal breaches, our learned team of parapsychology experts are here to assist you with any possessions, parasites, or malign events.
All our new assets enter The Edifice via our professional acquisitions team. If you recognise this face, you’ve no doubt survived the interview process! Congratulations, new employee. We can’t wait for you to join the family.
Accounting across multi-dimensional space requires both sharp minds and a resistance to entire epochs of numerical malaise! Here’s one such super-mathematician hard at work within Edifice Compound AF49-3G.
DIRECTOR NOTE: Remove this information. The Initiative made ‘Lamb’ usage sacrifice illegal in 1920’s and does not support this activity. Pictography must simply be stock photo from a non-associated company.